so=">so" continue="continue" at="at" your="your" own="own" risk.="risk."> This Saturday, fans of the hit show (and book) Outlander finally got what they have been waiting for: The wedding (AND the wedding night)! Now, some of you who have NOT read the book (and if you are one of them, go out and get it now) might be wondering how she could she marry Jamie when she is still planning to return home? If you remember at the end of the last episode, Dougal advised Claire that the only way she would not have to return to the dreadful Captain Jack Randall, is if she were Scottish. So, the only thing she could do was marry a Scot. Her initial reaction was horror, thinking she had to marry Dougal. However, he, in typical Scottish fashion, made a quick joke and advised she would be betrothed to Jamie. Fast forward to this Saturday’s episode. It starts off with a, for lack of a better word, flashback, showing Claire and Frank’s impulsive wedding. You are then taken to Jamie and Claire’s spur-of-the-moment wedding. Most of the pre-wedding and wedding is shown through flashbacks, which worked quite well. When we first see Jamie and Claire after the wedding, they are both quite nervous, so they drink and share stories. One key conversation was why Jamie agreed to marry Claire. With a flashback, we find that Dougal used the threat of Black Jack Randall and how he could hurt Claire to easily persuade him. Jamie agrees, but has 3 stipulations.
He wears his family tartan colors (which could be quite dangerous for him to do)
Get married in a church (he wants it to be a proper wedding- how sweet!)
To have her wedding ring made from a key he has
